To start my journey I thought I'd ease into the transition. I first decided to get an accurate account of my spending habits. To do this I decided to deposit my entire check into my bank account and stick to using Bank of America's cost tracker to find where costs could be cut.

I'm seeing 25$ a week on coffee alone, and an outstanding 60$ on eating out a week. Now that I have a general idea of how my money is spend, I decided to deposit just enough of my check into my account to pay my bills, such as lot rent, electric, cable, cell phone, etc. The remaining amount that was to be used for food, gas, and everything else would be carried on me in cash.

I used billpay to take care of the bills automatically. I then locked my card into my safe so I wouldn't be tempted to use it out of habit. By paying for everything in cash I find I'm more conscious of where my money's going. That daily cup of coffee at the local coffee shop isn't as enticing as it once was. Now I've opted to make my own at home. I've become a bit of a coffee snob.

You don't have to do it how I did, but getting control of your spending is the first step in sustainable living. Track your spending habits, Make a budget, and always be frugal.

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    J. Bidwell is an average middle aged, middle classed man. This is an on going record of his venture to living sustainably while still maintaining the American Way of Living.


    January 2014
    December 2013

